Why I Chose Young Living

As a long-time user of Young Living, I am sometimes asked Why Young Living? There are many reasons why I love Young Living and have been proud to be using their products since 2009.  Young Living pioneered the essential oil industry, beginning over 29 years ago with a simple, home-built essential oil distillery.

When I first started using Young Living, most people hadn’t even heard of essential oils.  Now you can’t even walk into a grocery store or a retail store without seeing bottles of essential oils sitting on the shelves everywhere. Sadly, most of the essential oils on the shelves today are only suitable for perfumes and cosmetics and contain toxic ingredients.

Over time, I became more aware of the importance of what we put on our bodies and the products we used in our homes. I started the ditch-and-switch process of getting rid of toxic chemicals in our homes and switching to natural products and using essential oils instead.  As I learned more about the products and how they help me and our family, I began sharing what I was learning with others. I named my company, Not Just Oils, because Young Living is so much more than just essential oils, they carry supplements, NingXia Red, cleaning products, personal care products,  men’s products, a kid’s line,  a baby line called Seedlings and so much more. Everyone in our family uses these products and they have made a tremendous difference in our lives.
"Act as if what you do makes a difference...
...it does!" -William James
Another Reason Why I Love Young Living?
– they have over 25 corporate-owned & partner farms
I had the opportunity to visit a few of the farms and have many more to see on my bucket list.  I have been at the Mona Lavender Farm and Distillery in Mona, Utah, St. Maries Lavender Farm and Distillery in Spokane, Washington, the Young Living Farm and Academy in Chongon, Ecuador, and the Kona Sandalwood Reforestation Project on the Big Island, of Hawaii where I had the opportunity to help plant Sandalwood and once again heard and spent some time with Gary at this farm.  It was an experience I will never forget!!!!!

Where to next?
Healthy Living Guide

When you join my email list today you'll uncover a surprisingly simple path toward wellness, learn my secrets, and get my FREE guide to living a healthier life!

11-Day Jumpstart

Learn more about the Jumpstart program and what I am doing to keep me living well. Find out how you can join me and get started on your own health journey.

Essential Oil Guide

In this guide, we explore the world of aromatherapy and its incredible benefits. Diving into essential oils can feel overwhelming, but it doesn't have to be!

Elevate Your Wellness

Basic Oils
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Body Systems
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Dietary Oils
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Skin Care
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Financial Freedom
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  Copyright Connie Wolverton 2023