The Top 5 Benefits of Diffusing Essential Oils

In recent years, essential oils have become increasingly popular as a natural way to improve overall health and well-being. If you’re new to essential oils, diffusing is a great way to start enjoying their benefits. I have personally been diffusing for many years now and will continue to do so. Keep reading to learn about the top 5 benefits of diffusing essential oils.

Why Should I Drink Ningxia Red Daily?

In recent years, more and more people have become increasingly conscious about their health and well-being. Our society has now shifted to healthier diets and lifestyles, which has led to the proliferation of health supplements and superfoods. One of these superfoods is Ningxia Red, a powerful antioxidant-rich juice made from the superfruit, Ningxia Wolfberry. With all the health supplements and drinks out there, one might wonder, why should I drink Ningxia Red?

What are the Benefits of Intermittent Fasting?

You’ve probably seen a lot of my recent posts about the 11-Day Jumpstart Program. I finally joined the program in February, as didn’t want to promote something I hadn’t tried myself and I have to admit…I had never heard of the term intermittent fasting before. I had heard of people fasting but not the term “intermittent” and I have to confess I have never fasted either! So I started doing some further research and want to share what I found with you...

What is the 11-Day Jumpstart?

The 11-Day Jumpstart is an ongoing, monthly program that is exclusive to my Young Living team and those that are connected to Martha K. through the Cutting Edge community. There are so many amazing results coming out of the Jumpstart program. Don’t take my word for it, here is Katrina Kunstleben, who completed the January Jumpstart talking about how it changed her life, reduced some of her chronic pain, and how excited she is to keep going.

The Hidden Toxicity of Candles

Candles have been used for centuries for their calming and pleasant aroma. They are often used to create a cozy atmosphere, reduce stress, and enhance romantic engagements. But did you know that candles can actually have negative health effects? Let's dive into why candles can be toxic and what to look out for when choosing one.
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