Why Should I Drink Ningxia Red Daily?

In recent years, more and more people have become increasingly conscious about their health and well-being. Our society has now shifted to healthier diets and lifestyles, which has led to the proliferation of health supplements and superfoods. One of these superfoods is Ningxia Red, a powerful antioxidant-rich juice made from the superfruit, Ningxia Wolfberry. With all the health supplements and drinks out there, one might wonder, why should I drink Ningxia Red?

What are the Benefits of Intermittent Fasting?

You’ve probably seen a lot of my recent posts about the 11-Day Jumpstart Program. I finally joined the program in February, as didn’t want to promote something I hadn’t tried myself and I have to admit…I had never heard of the term intermittent fasting before. I had heard of people fasting but not the term “intermittent” and I have to confess I have never fasted either! So I started doing some further research and want to share what I found with you...